The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will allow a grace period of 120 days beginning July 1, 2016, through October 31, 2016, for contract suppliers to obtain written orders for all competitively bid items for beneficiaries who reside in a Round 2 Recompete competitive bidding area (CBA) and have transitioned to them from a non-contract supplier. For a listing of ZIP codes included in the Round 2 Recompete, visit the CBIC website.
This grace period provides contract suppliers additional time to obtain the required written orders for beneficiaries transitioning to them from non-contract suppliers at the start of Round 2 Recompete of the DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program. This grace period does not apply to new patients who are obtaining the items for the first time or who reside in an area not included in a Round 2 Recompete CBA.
Once the 120 day grace period expires (beginning November 1, 2016) contract suppliers will be expected to submit the required documentation upon request without exception. Absent such documentation, CMS contractors shall collect overpayments following established procedures. In cases where a previous supplier does not provide the required documentation to the new supplier, or in other circumstances where documentation is not available, beneficiaries will need to visit their physician in order to obtain a new order and other supporting documentation to fulfill this requirement as appropriate.